Wednesday, June 23, 2010


"On the other hand, what a privilege, on what could be my last day, to be living with a conscious awareness of God's presence, both in my life and in the lives of those around me. What a breath of fresh air to be honest and open with people, loving and being loved, forgiving and being forgiven. What a pleasure, on what could be my last day, to respect the dignity of everyone I meet, no matter who they are or where they've come from.

This is the only day we have, for sure. What a privilege and what a pleasure to live it with a view of eternity - knowing that we are loved and valued by God for who and what we are, that God has a purpose for us, and always looks at our weaknesses with the compassionate eyes of His Son. And it's that view of eternity and our place in it that can save us from merely existing, with no sense of purpose or direction.

Pray that the Lord will keep us alert and watchful, so that we'll always be ready for Him - both today, when He comes in the common things of life, and tomorrow, when He comes in glory."

Fr. Jim Jensen, December 2, 2007

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